Key Considerations When Buying Waterproof Shade Sails

June 12, 2024


When it comes to buying shade sails, it is important to consider whether they can withstand the wind and rain. In particular, if you are planning on purchasing shade sails in New Zealand, you should make sure that they are waterproof!

Here at Lidgard Shades, we have created this blog to showcase the key considerations that you should make when buying waterproof shade sails.

1. Placement

Where are you going to place your shade sails? This is an important question to think about as shade sails can come in a variety of sizes. If you plan on shading a particular area, for example an outdoor seating area, then the waterproof shade sail should be able to perfectly cover this whole area, preventing it from being exposed to the rain. You can place shade sails over a number of different areas, including over swimming pools, driveways, and more.

2. Material

If you are interested in waterproof shade sails, then it is crucial that the shade sails you purchase are made using waterproof materials. This can include waterproof shade fabrics and powder coating, such as pre-tensioned architectural PVC materials—which we offer at Lidgard Shades. In fact, our shades are also designed with stainless steel (marine grade 300-series) wire and appropriate poles and fixings for maximum waterproofness.

3. Stability

While it is essential that the shade sail can withstand the rain, you may also want to consider its wind-resistance and stability. After all, rain and wind sometimes go hand-in-hand. Waterproof shade sails are only effective if they are able to stay fitted to the pole. Rest assured that here at Lidgard Shades, our waterproof shade sails are highly wind-resistant, and can withstand up to Strong Gale force winds (75-88 km/h).

For high-quality waterproof shade sails in NZ, look no further than Lidgard Shades and our range of shade sails for commercial properties, homes, and education centres. No matter if you are looking to create more shaded areas for your garden, or simply want to enhance the style and aesthetics of your commercial space, we have the best shade sails available, with 20 years of experience in the industry. Contact us today for a free consultation and no obligation quote!

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